Favorite “hidden gem” sequels?

Horror has a lot of sequels, arguably too many sequels.

Horror franchises that started in the 70s or 80s & stagnated into the 90s & 2000s, milking out the same putrid clotted milk with a different smell, or trying out new insane ideas that nobody (not even new fans) liked.

Or sequels to movies that really should have been left as a one-off, like Jaws & Sleepaway Camp.

But for every franchise that ran on for longer than it should have, there is sometimes a gem hidden in the rough, with people often looking to Wes Craven’s New Nightmare, Psycho II, & The Exorcist III (Of all the times a Horror sequel shouldn’t have been numbered, it’s Exorcist III because it is completely unrelated to Exorcist II, & is better off for it)

What would your personal favorite be of obscure or hated Horror sequels?

For me personally, it’s Friday The 13th Part 6.

Revisiting Friday The 13th franchise has been abit of a disappointing experience, as the first movie has some highlights but can be abit of a bore, second movie is kinda the same, the third felt ehhh, fifth was so bad it’s kinda funny, & the sixth finally felt like a solid Slasher that I enjoyed from beginning to end.