Anybody here feel like their friends don't truly care about them?

I'm trying to stop giving a fuck about this shit but it is tough.

I only have one "friend" and we have never lived in the same city but been friends 14 years.

A couple of months ago I had a mental breakdown that almost cost me my job. I called this so called friend and we talked for an hour. However, ever since then they stop texting me as much and when I text them they keep the conversation really short and they rarely even ask how I am doing and would rather talk about themselves instead.

I often need someone to vent to but I don't really do it with this friend because I think they think I am too negative. They once told me I need to look at the glass as being half full.

I want to make new friends but I am scared to open up to people because of what I am going thru now. It seems like most friends only want to be there for you , on their terms.