Worth waiting for

I've just completed the transfer of my main, from Evernight to Meriadoc. Amazing! :D

I'd just thought I'd let you know that you all have something worthwhile looking forwards to. It's been frustrating and agonizing with all the delays and problems with the transfers so far.

But yeah, now I'm finally in the right place, and let me tell you the performance is glorious. Sitting here in Sweden, I'm used to getting 200+ ms latency to Evernight. Now, I'm at a steady 33-34ms to Meriadoc. That alone makes this the biggest upgrade LotRO has ever seen. The game is so much more responsive, and gone are all the hitches and hiccups we're all so used to. Frankly I'm quite shocked.

I could go on and on, but just giving you a word of joy in the midst of all the chaos - hoping you all get to where you want, and soon. :)