Remade Shrine of mist valley fully into a gusto feild

I also posted this on fandom, anyways I would have put this on the custom cards sub I found but it's kinda dead so yeah, anyways I based this on making it good and covering one of the biggest issues with the deck, plus it works as a way to protect sphreeeze, through discouraging targeting her for effects. Since as Mutch as I hate to say it the Gusto archetype is bad I think I can at least permit them a decent feild spell, idk if I worded it right but it's effect can search any level of gusto monster.

I also posted this on fandom, anyways I would have put this on the custom cards sub I found but it's kinda dead so yeah, anyways I based this on making it good and covering one of the biggest issues with the deck, plus it works as a way to protect sphreeeze, through discouraging targeting her for effects. Since as Mutch as I hate to say it the Gusto archetype is bad I think I can at least permit them a decent feild spell, idk if I worded it right but it's effect can search any level of gusto monster.