Lazy Provider
Okay this is my first post on Reddit so I’m not quite sure how this goes. I was hired by SA in December 2024 and didn’t start floor training until end of January and have been solo since mid February. Scribing is definitely a huge learning curve and I know I have much more to learn, but one of the doctors I work for is giving me a really hard time. She’s very very picky about the way she likes her notes and critiques every small thing I do even though she doesn’t follow her own rules a lot of the time. Noted i understand these are her notes and they have to be of a certain caliber, but it feels almost impossible to get it right the way she wants it 100% of the time. She also has me do ALL of her treatment notes, send her medications, do the PE, referrals, order labs and scans and maintain a perfect note. Not to mention she moves at the speed of light. I like to say I’ve gotten the hang of the flow by now so I’m not struggling to keep up or anything. But, after I went “solo” she continued to add on training days to get used to her “preferences.” To me it feels like she is very resistant to change which is why I’m having a hard time grasping writing her notes in her verbiage. I also scribe for another doctor who I have no problem keeping up with nor does he have any critiques for me. She’s also always consistently behind with patients, and when we are in the room she doesn’t even touch her computer and excepts me to do literally everything. Which is fine but I’m still a rather new scribe and taken on my responsibilities and hers feels extra. This provider is beginning to affect my mental health because it seems like nothing I do is good enough for her. I guess my question is, is this normal? MAs also feel free to chip into the conversation!