Is it wrong to date your 2nd cousin?
My dad's cousin wants me and her daughter to date, and told me she has a crush on me. She's tried to set me up with her numerous times.
I've outright said no because she's related, and kept my distance from both because of it. It's sad in a way.
I'm 32 this year, I want to get married and have kids. Her daughter is 27~ and wants the same in life.
She's attractive, kind, intelligent and funny, whenever we meet, we get on like a house on fire. We share the same values, but we also share the same great grandparents. Her grandpa is my grandpa's both (both, sadly, deceased)
I've always been single, never even had a 3rd date in my life.
Edit @1734 comments: deciding not to pursue. Was looking through photos, and in a few, she's with her grandpa. It's scary how similar him and his brother (my grandpa) looked. Given how close I was to mine, regardless of how distant I am from the rest of the family, I'd feel wrong. She is beautiful. She is kind. She is intelligent. Funny too. In my grandpa's memory, it's a no-go. Things may have been different if I wasn't close at all to anyone. As for "keep looking, there are loads of potential women out there" I remain pessimistic, and have fully accepted that I'm single for the rest of my life and will die alone. I've accepted that I am the last of my family tree (with the family surname) and our dynasty, ancestry and heritage will die because of me.