Poe2 Campaign is too long
its just my opinion, but i spent around 25h in poe2 and now i am near the end of act 3 cruel.
I didnt really struggle at any point so im surprised the campaign takes this long to complete. I think that the maps in the campaign should always remain the same, and considerably shrink in size. The fact that you have to run back and forth to find your way through the zone witout really progressing seems not fun to repeat on second, third and more characters.
I was having fun to play through the acts with my 1st char but i dont know if i would see myself doing this again for 20ish hours just to reach endgame where the game really begins.
I hope they adjust this in some way, i believe making campaign maps smaller and not randomly generated would save so much time. Make maps smaller, not random and make mobs give more xp since maps would be smaller and not have that much xp.
Or implement a way to skip the campaign (not lvl skip but just let the player start „“mapping“ at lvl 1 or lvl 10 or whatever and a way to obtain the permanent bonuses from the campaign.
I know with practice the campaign will be completable quicker but for everyone who maybe has e for ex. a family and stuff, this much time seems unreasonable.
Especially since you would have to repeat this process for every league. So lets say poe2 has a league cycle of 3 months, if you just wanna play more casually you would spend up to 1/3 of the league just getting through to end game.
Maybe my thoughts dont make sense but i wish they would cut it down in lenght in some way.