Friday Fuckwit

My rolling nomination for Fibromyalgia

Wife's been on the fence about getting the covid vaccine, due to this. We were waiting on Novavax since it was announced last year - no clear eta as to when its available here. Mandate comes along, so we felt we had no other choice than to get it. Fill out her medical section in rollupwa. Get recommended pfzier (immunocompromised). Got her shot last week. Initial reaction - ok; nothing out of the ordinary. Cautiously optimistic. Few days pass and it finally hits her. Full fibro flare up. Shes been out of commission since Monday. Fevers, 10/10 pain in some areas. Couldn't get into her doctors to fill a script her pain specialist sent there for morphine patches. Managed to get in touch with the pain specialist directly who then sent it to the pharmacy instead (they usually cant do this due to it being a s8). Lifesaver. Shes down to 8/10 pain but still effectively bedridden; trying to keep things as dark and comfortable for her as possible. I'm fortunate enough to be able to work from home so I can still take care of her between calls. Shes deadset against getting another shot and I dont blame her. It means we cant go out for a nice restaurant (one of her favourite things to do). I just feel helpless watching her go through this