Tesla drivers hogging the chargers in my building? No more free charging for you xoxo
So I live in a wonderful mixed use building, and it’s been great. Lovely amenities and decent tenants and even free electric car charging! This was simple and easy for the last two years and out of nowhere more and more Tesla people moved in, bringing their swasticars with them.
And it’s like oh okay, it’s like 20 EV’s sharing four chargers, no biggie, cuz most tenants respect the building’s 4-hour limit rule, which should bother no rational person that understands not everything is about them.
However Tesla drivers are a different breed, and a few of them think that those rules don’t apply to them, whether it’s because they have a bigger car or they have kids or whatever excuse they have for hogging the chargers day and night whenever they can. Yeah yeah they have bigger batteries and need longer charging…but 4hr limit is 4hr limit. It wouldn’t be fair if someone in an on-site laundromat hogged all the washers and dryers all day long, would it? Who gives a shit their reasons for hogging the chargers.
But wait this gets interesting. So recently the guest level parking charger stopped working. Something wrong nobody can get it to work. Now we’re down to the one downstairs and that’s it. Remember each charger has two points so it’s now two charging cables for over 20 EV’s, and some malicious Tesla drivers among them.
I decide to leave a note one night on the charger itself because of said malicious Tesla driver decided to charge both their cars the entire afternoon into the evening taking up all the chargers, which others of need to use to get to our jobs and whatnot. It simply said the 4 hour limit applies to everyone. However the next morning I went to charge and found the note ripped up with a portion left with a reply written: “SAY IT TO MY FACE”. And since then it’s just been a race to the chargers before 4pm to avoid the greedy Teslas who come and take them the whole afternoon and night. Sometimes they win, sometimes the rest of us do.
More recently someone else left a note as well addressing their behavior saying “please consider other drivers need to use these too” and the reply left on it was “I saw you on my cameras lmao I won’t consider shit!”
So I took this up to the top. I took that note, and the photos of my ripped up note, and sent them not only to the property manager, but to the regional manager for the property management company itself, who have many more buildings throughout the country. They got back to me and I informed them that not only was this charger not working and this hogging was happening, which was of mild concern, but then I decided to use my nuclear option and told them that their EV chargers hadn’t been charging anyone any money.
This really got their attention and I find out that they are about to replace these chargers entirely with new updated ChargePoint Chargers that will start charging tenants money after four hours. Even it’s the customary $3-4 per hour, this will add up for the teslas hogging the chargers all day and overnight.
Now you might be thinking this will affect me too, but my partner and I are DINKs first of all, but also, my EV doesn’t take long, it’s tiny. I only need at most like 3.5 hours to charge to full usually. Basically unless I’m an inconsiderate asshole, I won’t get charged ever.
TLDR Tesla drivers being Tesla drivers at my apartment, I get apartment to start charging money for the previously free EV charging.