Anyone else hardly experience pregnancy symptoms in first trimester?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful to not be feeling awful, but I also don’t feel pregnant a lot of the time either.

I’m 9w+4d now, had my first ultrasound at 7 weeks and saw baby looked great so far, was measuring exactly on track and saw a heartbeat. I guess I just worry because last summer I experienced a miscarriage at 9 weeks, never made it to first ultrasound with that one, and also hardly experienced symptoms most days.

My only consisted symptom so far seems to be some constipation. I’ve had mild food aversions on a few occasions. And Ive experience mild bouts of nausea from the start, but it’s fairly mild, & randomly, it’s not every day, and only for short bouts of time like 10 minutes or so, I usually gag and that’s it. I’ve recently experience some round ligament pain when I sneeze/cough or get up from sitting too long. My boobs have been ache, but not extreme, mostly only in the middle of the night when I get up to pee, or when I am working out/running. I don’t have the extreme fatigue that i felt a few times during 6 weeks, but I also make sure I get 9-10 hours of sleep at night. But mostly I feel pretty good, just normal.

It’s hard to not worry sometimes because of my previous loss and when my friends who are also pregnant were throwing up every other day in their first trimester, and complaining of extreme fatigue, and all their symptoms. And I am over here like, mostly I feel normal as usual, most days at least.

So I am just curious, anyone else experience mild/no symptoms in the first trimester and still have a healthy progressing pregnancy??