Baby name dilemmas
Since we found out we were expecting, me and my partner had come up with a name that we had been calling our baby before we even knew the gender and that name has kind of stuck throughout. We made the mistake of telling family our name idea for our son (due in July). No one likes the name and a few of my family members have sort of ruined the name for me - they think it's "old fashioned" and "stupid" and my mum has even said it reminds her of a celebrity with the same name who is a major asshole which further ruined the name for me!. I spoke with my partner about this and we spent a while looking at other name ideas. We kept disagreeing on every name that we found, but we did eventually find one that we both like. The issue is my partner still prefers the original name we had chosen and thinks it's special because we've been calling him that name the whole time. Meanwhile - I now kind of hate the name, though I also feel that it's special. Not to sure what to do in this regard and i sort of wish we hadnt told family the name at all :( .