Now I’m Unclear
I’m rewatching season 2 with my husband. I’m now more confused about Helly R. Vs. Helena at Woe’s Hollow than before.
When Irving outs Helena, are we to understand that she was also on the severed floor as Helena when they all returned for Mark? Irving says he knows it isn’t Helly because she isn’t kind yet on the severed floor she was kind to Mark about finding Gemma, and she was also kind to Irving.
I thought maybe Helly’s story about being in the outside world was to protect herself since she’d have to admit that she is an Eagan. But if it was Helena then she was just lying, obviously. Or Helly didn’t say it and Helena can’t cover for her?
Also, why was Helena laughing at the story about Keir? Isn’t that her family? Was she egging them all on?
I’m confused. Thanks for the help.