I got scammed today.

I am a foreigner. I was at Jurong Point. a man approached me saying he lost his mrt card and needed money, asked me for cash. I said I don't keep cash. he started crying saying its his first time here in sg and no one is helping. I thought 10$ is not a big amount for me and if there is slight chance of him being genuine l should help. I asked for online transfer he had some paynow number and transferred money to his account. then he started to ask 10$ more for 'Makan'. I was like bruh how do you know Makan if its your first time here, are you from Malaysia (He initially was saying that he was from India). I then walked away and feel like shit now. Unironically I don't want this incident to kill my kindness. but feel like shit due to my stupidity maybe I should have asked more questions before making transfer. honestly not a big monetary harm just damage to my self esteem as I think I was not susceptible to scams.