Great look Mr Johnson
Just so all of TESD town is clear this is all incorrect propaganda shit and not true.
Our country has days of rioting because cunts spreading this sort of information online fueling racial hate, the people arrested for 'just saying stuff online' were making death threats targeted at specific individuals or inciting people to go burn down hotels and communities that housed asylum seekers, which over the week just turned into non whites basically
The psycho fuck who killed those kids was British and born in Cardiff. We dealt with days of this and our country faced international embarrassment and if it wasn't for people like Bry regurgitating bullshit it wouldn't have spread like it did.
Fuck off with the right wing talking points read straight from an iPad and just put some effort in...
Before anyone says it's a comedy show or go listen to something else bla bla bla, I'm a big fan of TESD and have been around since near the beginning, a day 1 patron supporter (and still am) and will be continuing to listen, but this wasn't a bit it was just spewed out into the world and now we have another platform just stirring hate in this country, I said this in another comment yesterday but this isn't UK people been pussies moaning about woke shit, this affected people here badly, I listen to TESD to escape all this bullshit not to hear it