Inadvertent one-time exposure to high concentration transdermal testosterone. Should I be worried about testicular atrophy, downregulation of my body's T? Should I consider short course of HCG?

I work with compounded pharmaceuticals including transdermal testosterone. Because it sticks to surfaces like the container it's put into, sometimes small amounts get on my skin despite always using PPE.

A few days ago, I was working with a very very high dose TRT cream, and I had some get on my skin. I was able to wash it off in a few minutes, but I'm wondering how concerning this exposure might be (due to the unusually high concentration of this cream, highest I've ever seen). Should I be worried about downregulation of my natural T, and possible testicular atrophy? Should I maybe be seeking out a week or 2 of HCG to prevent this? Or is that complete overkill?

It may be me just being paranoid, but I did notice that ny skin has been extremely oily in the days after this exposure. No change in testicles. Am I right to be concerned, or am I just being unnecessarily worried?

I'm not sure how long downregulation takes to happen, and because it's not a commercial product, the absorption kinetics aren't known and can't be accurately determined.