blah blah blah i’m sick and tired
i’m genuinely so tired of what my friend refers to as “4tranners” flinging buzzwords at me like a monkey flings their shit. i express any sort of dysphoria and get dogpiled on twitter and other platforms for being a “fakehon” a “youngshit” and a “passoid” whatever the hell that even means. they make being a trans woman sound more like a dystopian sci-fi mecha anime than anything. i had to search 90% of their terminology on urban to even begin to understand half of their replies.
the fact that they’re dead serious takes the cake for me. how do you call someone a “fakehon” with a straight face? almost feels like they’re parodying us.
i’d find it somewhat funny if it didn’t cross the line into genuine harassment and death threats from people who are so terribly insecure that anyone they perceive to be “passing” is some kind of threat to their basement dwelling lifestyle. and threatening suicide or self harm over not presenting as feminine as another person? maybe you ought to stay off twitter and check yourself into a psychiatric ward because what the fuck?
to clarify, i am a transgender female and completely understand feeling extreme dysphoria. jealousy and self-hatred are part of the package when you’re trans. it’s just that their behavior borders on insanity and reflects poorly on the “community” as a whole. it’s bizarre to me how i haven’t encountered this specific breed until around 2022, years after my social transition. it’s like they just randomly spawned in, or maybe i was just fortunate enough to not cross paths with them for a while.
on another note, many of these people openly flaunt being AGP? and i feel like i’m the only one who sees a problem with that. like ???