TXT had no main vocal or dancer
This is DEFINITELY unpopular bc I've always seen MOAs claim that the group has 5 main vocals, dancers, and visuals, and the only thing I can agree on is the visual (they look magnificent). Excuse me for not being familiar with technicalities, but I think their vocals are not that great especially when compared to other groups. They can't sing impromptu that much and has almost always been out of breath and strained. I'm not saying they're bad singers, they're definitely good, but honestly 2 of them are subvocals while the remaining 3 can only pass as lead.
With dancing, they're all great dancers but their best one Yeonjun lacks versatility. Also, respectfully, I really can't when he does those snake floor step :(((
Disclaimer, I'm a casual fan. I follow them really closely and I enjoy their music a lot. I know their whole discography and I've been to their concert. TBH I'm slowly losing interest and sorry but Taehyun with that lipsync thing is the last straw...