Please make it stop.

It bothers me so bad that he was very much uninteresting the entire time he was on VPR, he wanted off the show so bad, he didn't want anything to do with the scandal or any crap, he championed so hard once he found out that there was a reboot happening And now all of a sudden he becomes the spokesperson for the new show? He is such a middle-aged thirst bucket. It does make sense him being on the reboot because he does actually work for Lisa still but he just should not be the person speaking for the show, like does he not realize what the public perception of him is, that we all think he's kind of creepy?

Like I'm just imagining another season of him hitting on girls young enough to be his daughter and that's just not what I want to see so I just wish it was somebody else speaking on the behalf of the reboot and not him.

It bothers me so bad that he was very much uninteresting the entire time he was on VPR, he wanted off the show so bad, he didn't want anything to do with the scandal or any crap, he championed so hard once he found out that there was a reboot happening And now all of a sudden he becomes the spokesperson for the new show? He is such a middle-aged thirst bucket. It does make sense him being on the reboot because he does actually work for Lisa still but he just should not be the person speaking for the show, like does he not realize what the public perception of him is, that we all think he's kind of creepy?

Like I'm just imagining another season of him hitting on girls young enough to be his daughter and that's just not what I want to see so I just wish it was somebody else speaking on the behalf of the reboot and not him.