This is why we laugh at vegetarians

I work as a freelancer in television and film, and I am currently working on a project where I’m the only vegan with a couple vegetarians around me including my current employer/boss.

My boss provides us with lunch every day since we are working usually 12+ hour days. She’s also been providing us with food for the craft table, and it has been an interesting experience.

One of my first days on set, she told me she has vegan mayo for me so I can make tuna sandwiches. At some point I reminded her I don’t eat tuna, but she kept bringing it up for a few days which was why I told her. At first I thought it was a mistake and she forgot, but I’m not sure she understood that vegans don’t eat fish since she’s a vegetarian who eats fish. So, pescatarian I guess.

We had a prop that we had to use for her, but she brought it in, and she’s supposed to take a bite out of it, but it has bacon on it. Mind you, I don’t know why she would bring something with bacon on it if she’s a vegetarian and she knows she doesn’t eat bacon.

Our lunches that she provides are exclusively pasta, and the vegan pasta is always just penne with red sauce. She never orders meat which I wouldn’t either, but no one is getting any nutrition because it’s typically pasta with a sauce, and sometimes dairy cheese on it. People have been feeling sluggish and slow, one of my friends already threw up on set because it’s been weeks of pasta with almost no vegetables and definitely no protein. Our protein options are pb&j, tuna (for non vegans), and sometimes hummus but not always.

Someone brought in sliced chicken to make sandwiches with and my boss has been calling it “the item” or asking people if they “eat protein” (she means meat) and then telling them there’s some protein sandwiches.

The other day I got so fed up with this language, I said to her it’s not general protein. It’s not protein I can eat. And she replied to me, “well you know what I mean.” Like no, lady, I don’t.

It’s just so interesting to me she is so against the meat industry all our lunches are vegetarian (but no nutrients), she refuses to say the word meat but brought in food with bacon as a prop for her to pretend eat and put in her mouth, but she’s a vegetarian. The dairy industry is horrible, it’s awful, take a stance against that too because she is just so performative, it’s tiring.

I just wanted to vent honestly, that’s all, but it’s really starting to bug me, these “protein sandwiches” and all 😭