[Question] Modded Spotify alternatives?

Any alternatives to cracked Spotify that's not Spotube or Youtube Music? I need something that's available for both Android and Windows. Spotube is incredibly laggy, takes a while to load songs, full of bugs. Many suggest ReVanced, but I see no way to get it on Windows.

Edit: Someone in comments found a working modded Spotify apk! https://forum.aprelteam.su/mur/spotify-premium/page/3/?id=43 (top post) Site in Russian, seems safe. Only issue is that you can't choose what song to play. Someone else also found this music player app called Echo which seems pretty cool, allows you to sign in with Spotify, you automatically get all your playlists. Songs load fast, good quality, clean UI. https://github.com/brahmkshatriya/echo/ it's for Android, downloads in their Discord.

I recommend trying Echo, works really well, probably won't switch back to Spotify.