Yu-Gi-Oh! Mythos
While it's early to say when Go Rush has an end date, why not share our own ideas for a YuGiOh anime? Here's mine.
- The main character is named "Yudo Tsunako". His personality is very different compared to the other "Yu" heroes of past anime. As Jaden is a laid-back "Big Eater" & Yusaku is a cold-hearted "Jerkass", Yudo is more timid and has crippling social anxieties that make him quite "Adorkable" and doesn't see himself as an outgoing person. He lives with his adoptive parents on a beach-house with a duck being his only company. His only human friends is the near-sighted female he has a crush on (Trixie) and the son of a fish market owner (Cerulean).
- The most recurring subplot has the mayor of Chroma City desperate to find a replacement for the town's Champion as the current one, his nephew, Clause Valentino has lost the thrill of Duelling and became a fat slacker after many years of being unbeaten made him cynical of what the word "Champion" means. It takes Yudo's growth to help relight the flame he lost long ago.
- His deck is based on various cryptids and mythical creatures called "Fablescape". His ace monster is "Golden Moon Lycanthrope", a level 7 Beast-type Monster of the LIGHT Attribute. It's a giant wolf with yellow fur, glowing green eyes and a set of striped horns above its head. The effect is; by sending one Level 4 or lower Monster on Yudo's side to the Graveyard, he can destroy one card that's face up on the opponent's field.
- The new summoning mechanic will be called "Chronic Summon", which requires the player using 2 or more Monsters of the same attribute to summon the Chronic Monster. The card colour is emerald green while the Attribute symbol is more sparkling. Yet, the Chronic Monsters were banned after they "corrupted" the Duellists, poisoning their minds with such desires of destruction. A nice little feature to add in is when a character wins a Duel, we get a "still" shot of their Monsters celebrating with them.
- The "Tournament Arc" involves massive trains, each cart having a different environment for each Duellist to compete in and advance to the next car. After Yudo's adoptive parents reveal that they found him as a baby on the shoreline, he signs up for it, believing the status will be enough to attract his birth parents and find more answers on where he came from. The Duel Express is promoted by the founder, Augustus Maximus III, who's a pretty chill dude for such an unflattering appearance.
- For something new, there should be a time travel arc where Yudo and all the crew must stop a tyrant named Captain Z from rewriting the world for his own selfish reason. They make pit stops to Feudal Japan, England, China, Egypt, Prehistoric ages before reaching the future, where Yudo discovers the truth behind his family. During which, they each duel one of the Generals in each of the time zones while getting adjusted to the customs.