With all the talk about getting Israeli money out of higher education, heres Yales flag.
Orgin of the push
What’s the Point of Arguing Online?
staring contest
1 billion dollars to go through every torture method from 0-2025
$10,000,000 to spawn somewhere random on earth
Do I actually love her or I was just groomed?
$50,000 USD for the perfect body, who’s buying?
Favorite Latin American countries?
Get one thing for free everyday, or go to one place for free everyday.
Alaya High
Are There Any Solo Travelers In This Group?
What stopped you from pursuing a street life?
Destiny Mira, my favorite girl
Are there any “wellness resorts” nearby?
Reginae Carter
Virgin at 26 man?
Where in the world ?
Angel Reese
Maisie Williams & Sophie Turner, which Stark Sister do you prefer?
Imani Hakim
Podcast #15 - Average Black Men: Traveling in the Wake of White Privilege