Season 3 Question
Favourite team from a league not from your country?
Movies where literally NOTHING happens?
How do i get over the fact that college brutally scammed me?
What hobby or interest is full of assholes?
Best Sports Medicine / Orthopedic Surgeon in the South Bay?
Seeking advice-neighbor yelled me for putting bins on the wrong side of the property line??
Just thinking about the Weezer sketch
What 00s/10s band/artist can you not stand?
What’s something you wish younger generations would stop romanticizing?
Why do People Hate Us?
What's a song you memorized against your will?
friend sent me this funny south bay map
Has anyone turned their lives around in their mid 20s?
Attention folks, I require your help with a puzzle that is making me insane.
What’s the weirdest “normal” thing people do that you just don’t get?
Girl jokes about sharing money with dog, BF insists she keeps her promise
Where do you invest your money
What term from a totally different culture do you love using?
Am I too scared to lose Moore? 😭😭
The comments section is hard to stomach...lots of lawyers and land surveyors!
Close encounter with orcas
Does land surveying stand up to other technical trades?
Best way to do it.
First Person you think from this Country