I don’t really understand what juices “ANTI” tattoo means
I (South Africa 17m) have a question about the Haka.
Wat is hierdie?
Ek het iets verskriklik gemaak...
Anybody know what effects silly billy has on his voice?
If there were a song you couldn’t listen to ever again, which one would you rather it be? (“Welcome to heaven” doesn’t count)
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What was the first song that made you a fan?
Read messages after leaving the group???
What video game is kind of meh but with mods is awesome?
What do you think of my homemade Bonnie mask?
What’s your gaming hot take that have you like this?
Wat is die domste vraag wat jy alvan n` buitelander gekry het?
What is she yelling? Wrong Answers Only.
What game is this?
Guess the character: 4
Which game is it for you in this situation?
I ejaculated at a school shooting
Someone told me I cant go to college with a dress like that.. They are wrong!