Proposal for an In-Game Behavior Score Survey
telegramm bot will spam you if the game is found
the reason why player count doesn't go up...
What would a 4th attribute do?
32 Unpicked heroes in PGL wallachia seasons 3 (over 113 games)
I believe Enchantress deserves a rework.
PA Winrate
I got 2 low priorities back-to-back to AFKing along wintraders. (based on overwatch reviews)
Buying butterfly as pos1 against high magical damage
Please give infinite cast range to Waveform
Is there a reason why all English talent pronounce "Abaddon" like that?
7.38 Faceless Void
League player wanting to start DotA2
I haven't played in a while and tried to get BS up. Is the system working as intended?
How come I lose communication score when I can't even communicate?
Do u think neutral item RNG has too huge an impact?
Dota 2's Weekly Peak Player Count Hits 5-Year Low at 616.3K (Mar 3–Mar 10), Lowest Since 2019/12
Comms score changes? Have any high comms score people noticed?
I think there should be a new feature of Dota Plus that prevents team mates from picking shit heroes
Juggernaut - Treads vs Phase.
Dota sometimes causes my monitor to lose signal?
Disable picks for 2 seconds at the beggining of each pick phase
State of dota in 2025, see description below
regular new tinker hate post
Daily reminder behavior score is completely broken and needs to be adjusted.