New wax day
Toronto! Baroness, YOB, Kowloon walled city, Kylessa, Astral witch and more :O
Mr. Matt Pike. What are your favorite riffs of his? Whether it´s with Sleep, High on Fire, solo career, etc.
Are there any bands that you wanna like but can't seem to get into?
I sold my mobile home to buy this Les Paul and my wife hates me
Nose dive while standing
What is the guitar you most gleefully fed to the wood chipper?
Found this near local kindergarten. What's this?
Why don't I enjoy playing Les Pauls?
My band is having "the talk" with our bass player this weekend... advice?
I'm thinking about getting a Woodrite Revelator but there are few reviews I can find online.
I finally got the same guitar a 4th time with an extra string I also don’t play
Removed tolex from 4x12 guitar cabinet.
Whole toans is in the wholes
Whats a Metal song you can listen to on repeat and never get sick of it
What do my guitars say about me
Opinions of Godin electric guitars?
I'm gonna get roasted for this but here is my current setup
what genre do you think i play?
Fuzz with Heavy Menace?
I need help Identifiying this ibanez gio
Does anyone know any good inexpensive electric guitar brands??
I am a dentist and want to make more melodies instead of 0-3-5. Is this Gibbons made for me?
Who is The “Drop D” band?
Luthier fear mongering has people so scared of their own instruments they forget what a fucking screwdriver is...