The Book of the Fallen: On the implications of the framing device, the nature of narrative truth, and the thorniness of Fiddler's ambiguous existence
Characters reappearing under different names
Dancer's Lament Post Thoughts
was (redacted) in the main books by name? i feel like i recognize his name…
Almost done with FoL - is Kharkanas considered apocryphal, at least in reference to the timescale?
Is it just me or are the locations even more confusing in Stonewielder than anywhere previously?
What scenes would you most want to see portrayed in art?
Which of the books do you think is the most fleshed out in its themes?
Weird question: Where's all the plate?
Top ten biggest scum bags in Fallen series
If souls are immortal, why does ANYONE bother with "life" as being important in Malazan?
Main character of Fallen is the story arch itself
Hood's Balls, Depressionhouse Gates
Now that I've chewed on the series for a day since finishing I'm gonna just spew some thoughts and questions out, if you guys don't mind!
Favourite Chacter
Imass / Neanderthal or early human similarities
physical descriptions of each character in prose?
Can someone explain to me why everyone says Empire of Silence is just like Dune?
Kyle in RotCG question
Deadhouse Gates question about (Spoilers) mission
Bole Brothers are...
What are the best series with the worst covers?
Fuck a "Sanderlanche" this is better
(Reread) Questions regarding things mentioned in Bonehunters
A bit disappointed by a character ending in tCG? Or am I? Help me understand!!