Not sure which toilet to use
Stay sober to use
Wife wanted a "outdoor room" so I was more than happy to oblige 👍🏼
How long did you wait to try again after an early loss?
I feel a bit bad about how my “gender reveal” took place…
Trying to get pregnant
What's a hobby that actually takes up time?
When did everything “sink in” for your partner?
Every job/career sucks
Just got my first positive test !!
Do you agree with the saying "Your coworkers are never your friends?"
December birthdays- pros and cons?
Can I eat at a hospital cafeteria whenever I want?
Adios, over and out for now, better luck next time :(
Women who make over 60k, what is your degree and what is your job title?
How long after stopping birth control did it take you to get pregnant?
6weeks and panicking
9 weeks and nauseous
What did you buy as an adult because you were denied it as a child?
36 weeks…regretting all the traveling I didn’t do before pregnancy :(
Pregnancy rage
I feel so depressed that I waited too long for our second child😭
Pregnant and want a divorce.
Deciding on when to have kids: travel vs wait
Symptoms during two week wait period?