What is Angel dusts favorite drug?
Favorite non-binary character?
Are the sins cappable of having a biological offsprings s
Should I avoid getting new shoes in case my feet grow?
Advice for a terrified Transfem?
just updated my passport I'm sobbing
how do i tell my parents im starting T?
these name idea tik toks are really making me nervous
I hope Abel is a menace actually
Searching baby boy nursery ideas online and came across a tragedeigh
Can I still be accepted as NB if I’m male presenting?
People can’t believe my 84 year old grandma isn’t in her 50s.
My boyfriend's dad freaked out when he met me
Old coworkers thought I was in high school.
My younger brother gets carded way less than me
WIBTA if I told my coworker I found his and his wife's nsfw account?
What’s your weirdest response to coming out?
Dad, I’m trans and scared.
Help with gender neutral terms?
I’m pregnant, Tell me the worst names you’ve seen/heard here or irl.
Dad, I got my first tattoo in your memory
Favorite character with a disability?
Pick the name you like best out of 2 options
Trying to look less feminine with long hair :/