More Americans are Riding Bicycles than Ever Before, Report States. What Implications Does This Have for Chicago? Are SUV Beckys in Lincoln Park big mad?
More Americans are Riding Bicycles than Ever Before, Report States
Union guys: how do you think trade work is going to be for the next four years?
Bracing your core
How do you think the city will change within the next two decades?
What fictional character do you think best represents CPTSD?
Rusted Chain Question
What's the shittiest, most rundown, derelict, seldom frequented gym you can think of in Chicago?
Reghabi still barely exists as a character
What does it mean if my favorite sw character is Saw Gerrera?
Is it weird to say good morning to people nowadays?
JB Prtizker’s chief of staff: Team Fight
Severance - 2x09 "The After Hours" - Post-Episode Discussion
I miss the documentary/journalistic plot we see in S01E01
When “good governance” arguments are used to block governing
What is your best delivered, hardest hitting, one-line Andor quote? Go.
These two get locked in a room together. Are they becoming besties or fighting to the death? (& if they do who lives?)
Closest thing you've had to In-N-Out in Chicago? Preferably around the Lake View area?
Chicago Perimeter Ride
This is an issue that needs to be discussed within our community
Unpopular opinion: Sweet Vitriol was my favorite episode of the season so far (other than Woe's Hollow of course)
Severance - 2x08 "Sweet Vitriol" - Post-Episode Discussion
What Struggles Do You Have?
Rant and Venting Megathread
Really want to push my PT career better! Any tips or advice?
Pivoting to Working As An Agent