Does this riff sound bad?
Guitars are 2 spooky 4 me
/uj where do people go for actual guitar advice?
What is the guitar you most gleefully fed to the wood chipper?
(Noob here) Pair of studio monitors or Powercab with a floor Helix?
They are making this too easy. Come on people!
Running QC for fx only
Caught my kid Chugging, AITA?
I get the third panel. The lionesses are going to eat Timon and Pumba. But what did Simba say before the first panel?
What are some common issues beginners run into when they start playing with synthesizers?
Is there any old music that utilizes new synthesizers?
Just how irresponsible is it to skip using protection during random hookups?
Hi everyone, I’ve just spent $4,000 on some equipment. How do they work?
Advice on Teenage Engineering Setup (OP-1 Field, OP-Z, TX-6, K.O II)
151 tins drop at Costco in Toronto this morning
Strandberg QC issues
Mr Fender says music is rigged
The toan is in the popcorn lung
Am I the asshole????
Y'all brought some guitar snobbery to my attention and I had to rant about it.
2025 Ibanez Jem line looks fantastic
You are offered $500,000 but only if you go into the last video game you played as the main character at the start of the game. If you survive a full year you get the money.
Why didn't Skynet just mass produce nukes and continue bombing everything?
The greatest post ever made, and not a single mention nearly 8 hours later. Shame
You have a terminal disease which will result in your death in a week's time. Where would you like to go before you dy?
Why are guitarists SUCH FUCKING IDIOTS??