I don’t like how the western opinionated people on this sub dismiss the concerns of Nigerians on the continent
We are exactly 2 months away from another official tidbit about GTA 6
This has to be the funniest sht to come out of nigerian tiktok😭
It’s been nearly 500 days…
To anyone who is an unpaid human still here
Why do most Nigerians not understand market dynamics?
The weight of being gay in Nigeria
Illegal immigration is a symptom of western leaders destroying their competitions nations
How do you explain Swedenborg’s accurate description of modern near death experiences
Atheism is clearly a form of religious thinking
Any lurking normies here?
What is the best pathway I could take considering I have just inherited a few million?
Why do we keep bothering people for leaving Nigeria ?
Who else is tired of being asked, "when are you visiting home."
Best options with an unfinished degree?
Over coming the fear of hell
Height matters a lot more than face and it’s not even close.
Any news of auto extension because of lawsuit?
We Are Not Angry Enough At The Politicians.
Do Gambinos present time regret whacking Paul?
Musk calls on US to quit NATO, stop paying for defense of Europe
Liberals Losing It Over 80 Afgan Women Losing Their US Funded College
COVID-19 was the globalists’ most successful attempt so far at making people hate freedom itself
Your view of Nigeria's Future
If you’re jumping online to advocate for Europe to cut military or diplomatic ties with America over Ukraine, you’re doing Russia’s work