Dota Saved My Life. It Might Save Yours. My Dota Story
Who Should You Really Focus In The Laning Stage? A 10k MMR Guide On Trading
Hey Valve, this is why you don’t do updates on a Friday
The BEST HEROES For EACH Role In 7.38B – Dota 2 Tier List 7.38B
I've been using Dota 2 to help me sleep since 2015. AMA
You caught all 5 enemies on top of each other! Which spell would you rather have:
Why Slark being frequently chosen recently with left facet (Leeching leash) if it was unchanged ?
A Smarter Way to Ward in 7.38 – Observer Guide From An Immortal Player
Mid lane feels nerfed in general, thoughts? (7.38 patch)
Axe, Antimage or Legion Commander — PA counter?
Support laning: trading against ranged/melee enemy supports
How To Play Zeus Support Like An Immortal- A Full on Guide On Zeus Support(video + written guide)
Pos 4/5 Zeus itemization
At what mmr do you get rank 5000 in EU?
First hero played in 2025?
How often do you see this? AM's stats 1/1/0 and he also flamed his team after the game LMAO