I secretly recorded my professor making sexist remarks and got him fired!
Zava leaving
Who do you side with?
Season 3 Question
“Ma’am” is not suitable as the female version of “sir”
Trying to find a joke!
a question: harry being a horcrux-didn't he benefit from it?
Weirdest craving you've had after sex?
How did Leonard get his PhD at just 24?
Terrible DM doesn't want to improve Curse of Strahd
It's frustrating having a dirty mind when everyone in your life is a prude.
Why did Draco visit Ron in Philosopher’s Stone
What should I do about a player I think cheated during character creation?
How long does it take for you to solve this riddle?
Would you rather be able to time travel to the past for one day and come back or time travel to the future for one day and come back?
How to quit a campaign?
How to get my Players to notice the False Hydra Without Railroading them?
Have you ever decided after the first session that you don’t want to play with a group ever again?
The word ''Double Down'' confuses me as a non english speaker.
Is straight the longest word with one syllable?
Is having the main plot of a campaign be a plot twist a problem?
Total footbal
Dad Jokes not dad jokes
Honest thoughts about Daenerys Targaryen?
Should I use Power Word Kill against my level 11 party?