Obvious Fake for Sale on FB
Photo report of Mt Aspiring Summit Attempt - New Zealand
Still rocking the 11 and loving it.
New shoes
My daughter skiing through some trees
Skiing through some trees
Browsing facebook marketplace and this cracked me up.
Pushed this one too far, but still kinda like the result in a Wes Anderson-y kinda way. Mobile Lightroom.
Turned an old closet into a mini arcade
Ty Segall @ The Smell
Is this broken?
Adam Shahar sends Sleepwalker V15
Anyone get top ten on Apple Music?
Wheredo we stop the backsplash?
After/Before - trying to practice editing images in less than ideal light
What is a movie scene that scared you as a kid from a non-horror movie?
Does Bit LCD work with LU/R-Cade?
Getting BITLCD images to work in Legends Unchained
Those who are employed with the church, what’s it like working with the church?
Is there a way to move this outlet up 36” for the range hood without re-running wire and without leaving a junction box there?
This will be covered by a permanent cabinet. Does it need to be patched?
What are your favorite games to play on ALU?
Pulled out a Vanity and Found This
AppstoreX not showing on 5.70 ALU Cabinet