What's something your friends never expect you to do? but you do?
What's the biggest 'green flag' in a person that makes you instantly like them?
What are(sfw) things that you prefer doing alone?
What do love about coffee?
people who do not want to be in a relationship rn, what are your reasons?
What is something that you love, admire or are proud of about yourself?
What's something small that instantly makes you day better?
What do you do for fun?
AITAH for wanting break up with my BF
What's something society treats as normal but is actually really weird?
What is the best book you have read?
What are the best advices that actually helped you in life?
Former depressed people of Reddit, who was the person that helped you through out those days?
How does one go about opening a tin without a tin opener?
What is the pleasure you spend the most money on?
What is something someone can do/say that immediately makes them a red flag?
What are the last words you'll tell your boss/coworker before you leave or get fired from your job?
What is the weirdest or most disgusting thing you've found in someone else's house?
AITA for breaking up with my GF after she gave away my dog…. AND LIED ABOUT IT?
What scares you the most?
what first comes to mind when you think of the USA?
What are some rather unusual genetic features you have?
Guys or girls, what hobbies or traits do you find attractive in the opposite gender?
How much coffee do you drink a day? And how much is too much?