Anyone else annoyed of seeing “service dogs” at H-E-B?
This is how hard it is to vote in Texas.
Is Only fans and porn industry depressing for you?
Trans people of Reddit, in what ways have you experienced transphobia in the real world?
Listen up you trannies - I get to decide if you are 'real' or not
Jamaican weed sucks?!
Texas flies over 120 immigrants to Chicago under Gov. Greg Abbott’s orders
I'm just trying to use the bathroom man
BPD and bipolar with a bipolar partner
Cannot get provider to actually bill insurance - don't want to be on the hook
Hi, lovelies! Just a fast reminder re: why we are here.
Do you know who else uses podcast marathons as a substitute for genuine human interaction?
Your absolute favourite NIN song? Only choose one
What is difference between this sub and rStopdrinking?
[REQ] ($750 - (#Dallas, TX, USA), (2 payments for repay of $400 OCT 25th and NOV 8th 2023, Paypal)
[REQ] $750 USD to be repaid in two payments, $400 on OCT 25 2023, $400 On November 8th, 2023
I took my second IM shot, I'm worried I did it too high up.
Should I stop taking it?
My boyfriend must be ugly or bi.
Head Like A Hole used in this trailer
I started taking Bupropion 150 SR five days ago, but had to stop because of worsened anxiety and racing thoughts? Anybody go through the same? Does it go away if we give it time? What meds to even out the anxiety?
Is this okay?
Is there a song that just makes you uneasy?
Wasps build nest around a discarded child's doll.