Welche Websites nutzt ihr täglich?
Was hättet ihr gerne gewusst bevor ihr zum Bund gegangen seid?
Which badge would you put on your car?
Purge lines
Leicht erkältet trainieren
What is my printer telling me? It's a Cs...
Rucksack daypack für dienstliche und zivile Zwecke
Why does it not mirror properly?
Is there a less severe version/ alternative to „deadname“?
Are current FDM printers good enough now for minis?
Warhammer 40K-Romane, wo anfangen?
How small do you want to print? Yes. 1/87 scale vehicles and people for a diorama.
Welche Funktion des menschlichen Körpers findet ihr faszinierend?
Incredible inconsistent ironing?
Why does hue forge not give me the text file for the color match version?
Yet another problem solved by the amazing hobby that is 3d printing.
What's a story where the "bad guys" are actually, completely, 100% right, to the point where it's weird the story keeps calling them the bad guys?
Taktische Zeichen
SÜ1 Bearbeitungsdauer
What have you named your printer?
Warum nicht?
What to do with poop
[OC] I made the ultimate dice tower, tray and bix combo (free stl file for 3d printing in comments) (mod approved)
What’s the coolest functional print you’ve printed?