Lunar eclipse
On This Day: On 'All My Children' in 1993, Sarah Michelle Gellar debuted as Kendall Hart.
Mini-Comics Day at Central Library until 1pm!
Tiny “traveler’s journal.”
Typical Capricorn
Holy Biscuit @ Local Bites
Why was she being questioned??
My capricorn core
Another Birthday Twin Post with a twist: I am a twin, too!
Which sign? 🤣
Favorite Capricorn Celebrities?
Age demographics for people who play DDR
😑 Acknowledge me
It’s my 50th birthday today
Meet at Denny Arthur’s
"Hi! My name is ______ [name of the last thing you ate]."
Who else is spending new years alone
NYE late-ish food?
January 🐐
What’s your obsession?
So many libraries! Looking for one with children’s section
❤️ JUPITER and your husband ❤️🔝
¿Dónde está la tienda de cómics?