elon is asian and is a loving and caring family man
What even is wrong with this?
How would your female Oc react if my Oc said this tho them ?
Show me your sleepy pups.
What does ssgss stand for? (Wrong answers only)
The last thing you ate is his name
Why is moon so big in shrek?
Who is this? (Wrong answers only)
if luffy looked like this would you like him as much
What does Invincible do better than Marvel and DC?
Mt. Everest
There's A Difference Between The Two
This might seem irrational, but what could this be?
The grandma is suprised
Aint nothing but truth
How do you get so fat drinking water
What's wrong here peta?
Just made this show, What should i call it
Who would win this one?
Moon Goddess
Someone told me I was a terrible artist
Do y'all think it's nuked enough?
Should they throw away their trash can?
Help me name my puppy boy
Have toe-vincible some shoes.