Favorite filmmaker that you hope gets a life sentencing in director jail where they belong
how many kcal in this sandwich?
What film would be Kino if it was gender swapped?
Ah, of course
Favorite politician turned Actor?
Did they ever reveal who these guys are?
Most iconic subtle, understated film performances
No one understands my problems; my problems:
Movies where stanning is mandatory? I’ll start:
Citizen Kane came out in 1941, do you guys think Hitler saw it?
"I think what Kenny's doing with this fat outfit is disgusting I know some people will laugh at it"
My Fav Legoshi Picture
I got this in the mail.
Would these two kiss?
Honestly I'm a big Louis simp
What would have happened if, like in Far Cry 3, Legoshi had become as psychopathic and crazy as Melon due to his influence?
Why do I think of this when I see white Legoshi?
Our favorite Home Alone actor has died boys. Take a moment.
Most people think they're all bums and lips, but that's not true! Most hotdogs these days are 100% pure beef.
Would these two kiss? (Cursed edition)
Does Gosha eat meat?
What are the worth decitions Legoshi taked?
What is your favourite film about the invasion of Iraq?
Do you think I belong here
Which Beastars Character is the most intelligent?