Who’s got better synergy/chemistry with their ace? Or in other words who meshes better with their ace?
Which duo go together with each other best?
I’m on chapter 70 of Naruto, people say Sakura’s character peaked here, is this true?
Who’s got better synergy/chemistry with their ace?or in other words which duo goes together the best here?
Pain arc kakashi vs WA Sakura. Who’s stronger?
kid itachi vs war arc sakura
I don’t think people quite realize just how insanely powerful a trainer she is.
Who’s faster? Diantha gardivoir or Cynthia garchomp
P1 kabuto vs WA Sakura
What do my top 5 favorite battles say about me?
How the hell did they become so close?
Kurotsuchi (boruto) vs WA Sakura
Hashirama vs kinshiki
Diantha( no ace) vs alder. Who’s winning this battle?
Why do people body shame her?
Hypothetically,where would you scale a full power 13 year chakra full seal unleashed,adult sakura?
Who you think wins
Kakashi and tsunade dynamic with Sakura is one of the most wholesome in the whole show tbh. They were more of a mother an father to her than her actual parents.
Besides Naruto and sasuke who was the strongest 17 year old shinobi in the war.
Can this duo take him down
EMS sasuke vs 6 tails Naruto
Where do you scale 6 tails Naruto.
Can they beat her
I know people say Sakura is selfish and self centered. But after rereading the manga 5 months ago I personally just don’t see it.🤔
How did she go from nuking battlefields when she was 16 back in the war, to this pathetic display of strength.😑