Thoughts on The Bonds of Mega Evolution
Thoughts on Emolga and the New Volt Switch
Thoughts on The Aura Storm
Thoughts on Mounting an Electrifying Charge
Thought on Time-Warp Heals All Wounds
Thoughts on Heroes- Friends and Faux Alike?
How would you rewrite Down to the Fiery Finish.
Thoughts on When Light and Dark Collide
What's your favorite Max Steel era?
Thoughts on The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon
What is your unpopular opinion about the anime?
How metal elementor and elementor became mega elementor
I don’t understand the hate for Sophocles?
Dozer waking up after eat the spicy ore
Thoughts on The Beartic Mountain Feud
Thoughts on To Find a Fairy Flower!?
Thoughts on So Long Sophocles?
This mecha bot is cool
How the elementor became ultimate elementor
Thoughts on The Club Battle Hearts of Fury: Emolga Versus Sawk
Thoughts on Bea
i have two things to say
The way rockruff evolves into dusk form lycanroc is cool
Thoughts on Down to the Fiery Finish
Thoughts on An Electrifying Rage