Is the level in soccer high?
Everyone talks about foods, but do you have a drink that's specific to your region or city?
Is it normal for women to occasionally feel unattracted or turned off by their partner?
Honestly, what is the appeal of alcohol?
Which would you pick?
They say store brand food is just as good as the name brand. What exceptions are there to this?
Buffalo, NY in the 1980's
Clean the dashboard
Who wants to play?
Taurus/Scorpio energy
Steering wheel wear
What is an aspect about the American way of life that you believe foreigners simply don’t understand or “get” about the USA?
Which sign is this?
if you use tampons, which way do u move the string when you’re going number 1 AND 2 ?
What’s your Moon and Venus(bonus for the house it’s in) and what does someone have to do for you to consider them romantic?
What do you think of Lunchables?
What’s a good subreddit to ask for help with editing audio?
I feel so bad for her 😭 but this is absolutely sending me
Book recs
Apple is the closest company to build the "perfect" laptop. Your thoughs?
What are some unique cultural traditions in your area?
Have you ever seen a mountain up close?
Why do many people think stereotyping is only bad when it comes race?
Do I need to bring my car in for a yearly checkup?
What's a poor life choice that people are encouraged to do these days?