Total cost and time of the new upgrades in the September 2024 update
Before and after cost/time reductions comparison for the June 2024 update
[Misc] Clash Ninja - Upgrade Tracker and Stats Tracker
Will having a good base structure be useless?
Weekly Questions Megathread
Supercell, please keep an eye on this...
1-gem requests
Red Flags That Training Time Removal Is an April Fool’s Joke
Man after seeing this post, reducing the training time seems a much better solution than completely removing them
Mini gold pass activating right away
All this is most likely be a temporary April fools event with mods and youtubers in on it.
Before the update I recommend everyone to buy training potions as many as possible and sell them for gems.
Legends league attack system should be like builder base 2.0
Why are there 15 Shovels in the event shop if I can’t even get enough medals for all of them?
Just wanted to ask if it is possible for the anime scenery to return in Clash of Clans?
Troop Training: The Wait is OVER!
Can we speak out like the month they attempted to remove skins from gold pass?
Why is Supercell slow with rerunning sceneries after a year?
Bug in Snake Bracelet
How do you guys feel about new town hall every year?
Please include ore in gold pass
When did they add these? North stuff
How bad is this?
The complete Dragon Set will return to the cosmetics shop tomorrow (16th Feb 2025)!