Where does welcome to my Nightmare belong in the Alice Copper Discography ?
When was the first time you seen Heart live ?
When was the first time you seen Cinderella ?
Diamon Head singing helpless. Metallica did the cover on their The 5.98 E.P. Garage days Re Revisited.
What was the most disappointing band you have witnessed as the opening act for Iron Maiden?
Machine Head Covering Hallowed Be Thy Name ...
There was just something about watching a Metallica Video..
The Misfits and Vampira
Where do you rank the album British steel in the Judas Priest Discography?
When is the first time you seen king Diamond? I actually met King at a record signing in st louis on tour 1987 and he played at Mississippi Nights, St. Louis, MO.
When was the first time you seen AC/DC either live or on TV?
Lamb Of God - Resurrection Man Promo
Which Rob Zombie concert was the Best you've ever seen?
Make sure to check us out
What did you think of Ordinary Man ?
What do you think is break out concert or tour that put Metallica on the road to being the best metal band ever?
Just grabbed this at target 🔥🔥
Which Judas Priest song is this?
Which Iron Maiden song is this?
Ronnie and Lemmy having a beer .. No one will ever replace these two talents ..
Miasmal - Call Of The Revenant
Unleash the Archers - Cleanse the Bloodline
If Randy was still around Do you think he would have stayed with Ozzy or eventually Broke off on his own and how would have that changed the metal scene we know today?
What did you think of Jay Weinberg when he was in slipknot?
Where would you rank Theater Of Pain in Motley Crue discography?