Looking for above offering below
Which one should I invest?
LETS GOOO (pls help)
Been clicking on every pysduck spawn since I got the game trying to find this guy..and this morning it finally happened !!!!!!!!!!
Max out or Nah? Let the people decide!
Offering Rotom Frost giveaway, LF someone to guess my favourite event themed pokemon!!!
How sunscreen appears when applied in front of a UV camera
how many hundo legendaries do you have
Looking for and Offering the following. 30 day trades only please
Kill me with a gun
Looking for or offering
Caught 3 Legendary 100s in less than a month wtf
My gallade literally just sprinted away from me…
Should I Purify?
Should I invest?
Should I level this up for PvE? Seems like it would make a sweet poison attacker.
Lf 1st, all unreg besides dialga, offering 2nd. 30 day trade only
Looking for this guy offering the guys below
looking for first pic, offering all others
Should I keep this as it is? Or should I purify for the hundo and mega evolve it
Looking for this psyduck offering the kitchen sink
Looking for this psyduck offering below
Is this worth powering up?