sign shop changed design after approval
Pay attention and get off your phones
How did the boss get beat so bad by just two punks?
AIO my fiance spent 600 on gacha
Slapped on my friend’s 2018 Model 3’s windshield in Sherman Oaks, CA today
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 was voted as the Best Game game, but what would you say is the "Worst Game" in the Xeno series
Question, how exactly did YOU get into Xenoblade?
Perv allowed to come to my store according to corporate
Well I thought it would be safe.
Would you pay $700 for this?
New Survey! Who do you want to see join??
Dealing with Customers Who Don’t Follow Print Setup Guidelines
So has anyone else noticed this about Dunkin
If you won the lottery what would be signs of you being rich?
How Xenoblade Chronicles protagonists reacts when facing a strong enemy
Can't delete files in local drive because of root only access.
The Billionaire Bloodbath: U.S. Billionaires Have Lost $415 Billion Under Trump 2.0 - And Counting
Bans are still happening
Woburn water
Oh boy…
US deports hundreds of Venezuelans despite court order
Massachusetts State Police
Am I tripping or are some of the pedestrians in Saints Row 1 shouting the n word at you when you annoy them
What could be causing this?
Dumb question - can we bake our cat food to kill off potential bird flu until we can get some new cat food tomorrow?