just finished up leg day at the gym. did i lose the booty pump yet?
rate my back gainz so far
back day is my favorite but i love a nice ass pump 😉
full body day but my booty was pumped the most
had a siamese cat when i was younger and wanted another one ever since. couldn’t pass up the opportunity to get this pretty boy
Taking advantage of the beautiful day ☀️💙
Do people actually enjoy small talk, or is everyone just pretending to be interested?
Why is it so hard to exercise at home?
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What's the strangest thing you have seen someone do at the gym?
how do you eat 3 meals a day and stay under 2000 calories?
Is 5’6’’ tall for a woman?
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As a black man, how long would I have to wait to get hair long enough to reach my back, on average ?
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