Adding New Friends
No vomiting
How long did it take you to figure out you were pregnant and what were your first symptoms?
Deposited $80k cash at Bank of America
Realized my stomach acid was too LOW, not too HIGH
Hearing heartbeat on Doppler at 10 weeks ?
Any other FTM starting to freak out a bit in the 3rd tri??
Due date issue- could my BIL actually be his gf’s baby’s father??
Whats your zodiac sign and what zodiac sign are you giving birth to?
2mo eating 5oz
Meal suggestions?
Ok to feed my baby breastmilk from a friend?
Anybody else not getting early deposits anymore?
Is it normal for your mom/mil to invite her friends neither you nor your partner know to your baby shower?
Nursing bra to sleep in?
Bad news at 13w ultrasound
Has anyone had a successful first pregnancy with no prior miscarriage?
Are silverettes worth it?
What food or drink did you love before you became pregnant and now that you’re pregnant you get sick at the thought or look of it?
Random charge that doesn’t make sense
Can I ask if your birth plan went as you planned it?
Anyone else get this in the mail? I've always knew about the 300 SUB for checking accounts and was planning on opening one soon for direct deposit but just got this in the mail, 400 is quite a lot tbh